9:58 PM

I am excited about emails I received from Frank DeFreitas and Ms. Julia Greenberg Dweck that there are plans afoot to make a hologram from a daguerreotype with some gifted students from East Penn School. I look forward to hearing about the results....

One of my favorite quotes I often said to my own daughter (who is presently in college to be a teacher) was,
“Experience is not something that happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you.”
Frank DeFreitas May 14 at 10:03am
Hello Elizabeth, this is Frank DeFreitas (holography). I have good news: the students WILL be helping to create your Dag hologram. They are very excited and look forward to presenting it to you. As promised, I will write up a story of its creation, and include a few photos of the students working with the laser and Dag. The teacher in charge of the gifted and talented program at the East Penn school district is Julia Dweck, and I will include a link to her Facebook page below (in case you two would like to meet online). Regards, Frank DeFreitas

Julia Greenberg Dweck May 15 at 7:13pm Report
Hello Elizabeth. I am the elementary teacher who will be working with Frank DeFreitas on the upcoming holography project in the East Penn School District of Pa. Please, feel free to contact me any time. Here is the link to my class website. You can browse around to see the type of work that the gifted students and I do together.http://www.eastpennsd.org/teacherpages/dweckjul/index.html
Thank you for this opportunity. Best regards!
This year's theme is Super Heroes. Each of you are a super hero Don't let the bad guys (apathy, pesimism, and disorganization) win. You have the "power," to be a succesful learner.